This play is a black comedy, a recording of shitting language in Taiwan. The play presented the multiple roles language played in mutual interactions among people. Although there were only five actors to play fourteen characters in this play, the most important character was the language that one used everyday. Instead of a single plot line, the play was composed of three plot lines, which sometimes mingled together and sometimes deviated from each other. The central character of the first plot line was the mysterious man named U-Yian" (sounds the same as language in Chinese.) Things about his past, his occupation, his sexual orientation, etc. were the main concerned topics among his friends. The second plot line was about a family. Although fortunately, this family was safe and sound after a big earthquake, the inner structure of the family had been already deconstructed far before the quake. The third line was composed by various kinds of people, including a stage hand, a cab driver, a passenger, and couples of lovers and so forth. Although there was no single through line and plot, NO Comment tried to present the fa?ade of modern language in Taiwan and to discuss the worries and problem behind it.